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Notice: OPD take no responsibility for the accuracy of content on this page or listings associated with it. (If there are errors, such as price, availability then please get in touch using the contact page or claim the property as yours in order to gain full control of its content.)

Benefits of listing your property on OPD are:- Free listing for life, for the owners and clients, better quality pictures are supported 1920 x 1080 HD, including videos in full HD for that special presentation, ICAL, update your calendar from your own calendar such as Google and only have to do it once and very importantly; Responsive, so that it my seen seen clearly on all devices.. did you know that over 80% of websites are seen on a mobile or tablet.?

Google Street view, you can now see, drive or get directions to the property before even enquiring about it, just to see if its right for you.. and more..

Free accounts mean that you can either share your contact details with your customers on your listing or use the free secure online messaging system.. keeping your details private until you have established a potential client.

Ready to claim your property?

Find your property on here, its the same as on then get in touch to claim its free usage.

Property Rentals Contract:

Contract P1 (Click to see page 1)
Contract P2 (Click to see page 2)

(Important, your agreement is in Spanish, have it translated by an independent unbiased person first.)

Upfront charges: (Before you move in)
Please note that Property Rentals will manage your property and increase rental agreements on the owners behalf, as the tenant, it’s your responsibility to check in advance of your eleven month contract expiring so as to secure other accommodation should you no longer afford the increase.

2 x monthly rental (Deposit)
1 x monthly rental (Rent)
1 x Admin fee (currently set @ 300e (Non refundable)
1 x cleaning (currently @ 75e (Non refundable)
1 x Water/Electricity set @ 80e (Non refundable)
Passport and proof of income.

Property Rentals Listings